Thursday, June 16, 2011

two's company

Well...made it to Singapore last night about midnight despite the full moon (was looking for something to worry about & that seemed convenient).  The flights were uneventful just looooong!  Wondering how presidents/heads of states and movie stars do it!?!  Maybe they have their own plane or go first class? 

Ted was at the airport to greet me which was so nice and so easy for me!  He is working this morning so checking out tour books and trying to figure out what to do when he gets back.  It is warm here but the humidity is amazing (definitely seems worse than stl)--so i can tell you right now my hair is going to be a HUGE problem!!!  Also trying to figure out how to post pictures on this site--sent the camera with Ted but he has not taken ONE picture...guess he wants to be in all of them!

The phone just rang--Ted calling to say instead of working until noon as he thought, he is now working until 4pm.  Darn!  He said the situation is "fluid"  which i selfishly take to mean i may have to entertain myself way more than i would like!  Okay, that's all for now but hopefully pics soon!
posted by sharon


  1. Glad to hear you are there safely! When I traveled with Tim, I was entertaining myself all day while he worked too. I found myself going to the same places because they were more familiar-I guess I was just not that adventurous! Be safe and have fun!

  2. Glad you made it! Have a blast- eat and drink and explore! Hopefully Ted can get lots of time to spend with you. Keep up the blog too. Have fun!

  3. Ps That was me (Cathy c)

  4. Hey "two's company"! (3's a crowd...especially in a "hawker"--unless they sell beer there--but since when can anyone with any sense of sobriety remember ".633 liters"?!...that's a big paper bag you have to put it in!)
    Way to go Sharon- nice traveling-now you can put a Chinese character on your luggage. Do we need to send you a helmet for that hair problem yet?(the NFL may not be using theirs this Fall~~)
    Hope by the time you read this your husband has gotten off from the sweat-shop where he works and took his bride for a night on the town--chop chop!
    和平 Jeff

  5. Hey Sharon, So glad you made it safely. Ted better beware. You'll have plenty of time while he's working to plan trips. Hope you both have a great time. And we want to see pictures!

    Dianne :)
