Monday, June 27, 2011

Thursday - Pulau Ubin

Thursday we took a bumboat to Pulau Ubin - that's an island a short boat ride away where where you can get a taste of undeveloped Singapore.  The island is best seen by bicycles.  The trails lead past old fruit & rubber plantations, mangrove swamps, water filled quarry pits and old wooden houses.
Our bumboat (no life preserver in sight!)

Pulau Ubin - largest of Singapores outlying islands (population: 200)

Everyone wants to rent you a bike - lots available on weekdays!

An island dwelling.

View from a lookout at Chek Java Nature Preserve.

Another view of the preserve.

No bicycle ride is complete without lunch (and a beer).

View of the little village.

You do encounter some suspicious looking foreigners!
posted by sharon

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