Sunday, June 26, 2011

On my own!

some random views of Orchard Road

Southeast Asia's largest bookstore - you can wander for hours (i did!)
Oops!  Got in trouble for this one - the security guard in front of the store said "No Pictures!" but I'd already snapped it.
Ted worked 9 -5 Mon - Wed so I was on my own.  Spent Monday walking around Orchard Road the main shopping district in Singapore--window shopping for me as everything seemed expensive!  I did buy a walking tour book of Singapore & then tried to follow the Orchard Road tour and had a helluva time!  I cannot follow a map--DAMN guess i wasted that money!

 I spent most of Tuesday at the National Museum of Singapore.  Very nicely done museum--$5 seniors rate (YEAH-I'm a senior?!?).
National Museum of Singapore (built as the Raffles Library & Museum in 1887)
Some "people" hanging around outside the museum.
And Wednesday I went to Little India & Bugis, a couple of neighborhoods with discount shopping institutions--thought I should have a look...didn't buy just wandered aimlessly in the heat & humidity! 
posted by sharon

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