Saturday, May 28, 2011


Well, here goes, my first attempt at blogging!  Who would have guessed.  I arrived here in Singapore around midnight (13 hours ahead of St. Louis) after about 28 hours of travelling. The last leg from Hong Kong (about 3.5 hours) really flew by, so to speak.  My first real exposure to the locals was my cab driver from the airport.  The dashboard of his cab was filled with models of airplanes, helicopters, ships, tanks, cars, etc.  And whenever he braked they would all light up and flash, and the helicopter blades would rotate!  It was a sight to behold!  I got up early (7:30), ate a great buffet breakfast which they say is included daily with my room.  If this true, I'm in trouble.  I've spent most of the day walking around the hood getting acquainted and trying to set up my computer, no easy feat for "low tech ted."  Right now I've got three adapter/converters sticking out of my wall socket.  It looks weird!  So much for today.  I hope this works.   Singapore Ted


  1. Hey Singapore Ted!
    Glad to hear you made it to the Far East without losing your luggage (or your lunch)...
    Let the adventures begin!! (but not too many from that hotel buffet~~)
    Remember: Many things tend to get "lost in translation", so don't set our already tenuous diplomatic relations back several centuries by trying to make conversation with your cab divers:-)
    Praying for you bud! Enjoy the experience!
    和平 Jeff

  2. We are having a great time reading your posts! Keep them coming! Mike says that if they have beans in the buffet to eat them because they are really good! We miss you! Marcie

  3. Hey Ted! Glad you made it! Do you have a camera? I would have liked to see the dashboard! Please take lots of pictures and post them!! Did you check out the beers? What does one drink in Singapore? Happy Memorial Day!
